Pedestrian Safety and Foot Over Bridge (FOB) Usage Survey  🚦🚶‍♂️

Survey on Pedestrian Safety & FOB Utilization by NHAI

Dear Participant,

This survey is conducted by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) to assess the challenges faced by pedestrians and other road users while crossing multilane highways and utilizing Foot Over Bridges (FOBs). Your valuable feedback will help us identify key issues and develop better solutions to enhance road safety and infrastructure.

The survey consists of a few short questions and will take only 3-5 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept confidential and used solely for research and improvement purposes.

Thank you for your time and participation in making our roads safer !  🚦

P.S: This survey contains Karma to get free survey responses at

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What is your age group?


How frequently do you cross multilane highways?

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Do you use Foot Over Bridges (FOBs) when available? *
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What improvements do you think would encourage more people to use FOBs? (Select all that apply)   *
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  If you avoid using FOBs, what are the reasons? (Select all that apply)    *
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Do you think the placement of FOBs is suitable for pedestrians’ needs?   *
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  How well-lit are the FOBs in your area at night?   *
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How would you rate the overall convenience of FOBs in your area?

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What measures can be taken to encourage proper use of FOBs and discourage jaywalking? (Select all that apply)   *
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Have you ever personally chosen to cross a highway instead of using an available FOB?   *
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Should technology (e.g., smart pedestrian signals, digital warning boards) be used to encourage FOB use?   *
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