Proposal for Informal Conversation Session - Spring 2022
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Title of Session (No more than 10 words)
Facilitation Mode
Question: Add a question that will help participants see the need for your session. See examples here: 
Brief Introduction/Description
Objectives:  Begin objective(s) with verb(s). See examples of verbs here:
If you plan to facilitate a live session, please propose two time periods from the table below. It would be great if faculty who teach Mon-Wed-Fri or Tues-Thurs have the opportunity to attend your session.
Propose two specific dates and times to facilitate your session. If you do not wish to repeat your session indicate only one specific date and time.
Times that you teach or would not be available to facilitate a session.
Bring: Indicate what participants should bring (e.g. laptop or syllabus) - This section is optional and is applicable to webinars or face-to-face sessions only.
Comments or special requests
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