Vision loss or low vision experience
A survey for blind or visually impaired people to explain their experience and methods of navigating and understanding the world
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What is your degree of Vision Loss? *
How do you currently perceive your surroundings?
(Ex. echolocation, feeling along walls, etc...)
What assistive devices do you use? (check all that apply)
What would you change about current assistive devices or navigation methods?
What parts of your life are different because of vision loss?
How do you understand space?  (how do you process spatial information?)
How much do you generally know about what's around you (within 6 feet of you) at any given time? 
0%, only what I'm touching
100%, I know everything around me at any given time
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How do you use sound in your daily life? (check all that apply)
How accurately can you locate something by sound? Is it from the noise it makes or another way?
Rate your independence on a scale of 1-10
I am completely reliant on other people
I am completely independent
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How do you feel about your level of independence?
Do you go to new or unfamiliar places alone?
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How confident are you in navigating new or unfamiliar places alone?
Not confident, I always have someone with me
Completely confident, I go new places alone confidently & often
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Is there anything important for people to understand about navigating with Vision Loss?
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