College Creek Cleanup Sign-Up 2023
In recognition of National Rivers Month, Iowa State's Live Green! initiative and Keep Iowa State Beautiful are teaming up with Facilities Planning and Management to give College Creek a good cleaning.

Volunteers should dress for the weather and wear closed-toe shoes. Supplies (bug repellent, sunscreen, gloves and bags, and trash grabbers) will be provided; however, volunteers are welcome to bring their own supplies as well. Refreshments will be provided for all volunteers.

Registration is requested to ensure adequate event supplies; however, not required. Volunteers can check-in starting at 9:30 a.m. in the Forker Building Parking Lot (Lot #50A). Volunteers can also arrive at any time between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and volunteer for as long as their schedule allows.

All volunteers will be required to complete a waiver prior to the event.
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If you are bringing other people to the event, please list their first and last names.
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