Networks as ‘system weavers’ for education systems change
What is the role of networks, movements and communities of practice in driving education system change? Join us to explore this question in Oxford, UK as part of the Marmalade Festival. The session is from 10am to 1pm on Thursday 11th April at the Wesley Memorial in the Main Hall, Oxford
We want to connect those working in education to discuss, share insights, and co-create ideas that have the power to transform education. From the session we hope to build a spirited community of allies who recognise the value of networks in shifting the flow of a system, forging relationships and connections, and nudging members to get to the edge of their (knowledge/practice) comfort zone towards innovation and collaboration.

This session is hosted by School of System Change, involving networks including the International Education Funders Group, Teach for All, Global Schools Forum, Fito Network, and more.
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Our event is already at capacity but we'd love to see you there! Knowing your name on this list will help us anticipate your participation. 

We encourage you to arrive to Wesley Memorial - Main Hall before our 10am start, as we are likely to have first come, first seated attendance to our venue space.
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