Twin Peaks Questionnaire #1
Livable City is undertaking a planning effort for Twin Peaks, in partnership with three American Indian organizations – the American Indian Cultural DistrictAssociation of Ramaytush Ohlone, and The Cultural Conservancy, and Robin Chiang and Associates as lead designers. The plan will engage neighbors, visitors, San Francisco’s American Indian community, and public agencies. The project is funded by a grant from the City’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development. This survey will help us understand how people use and experience Twin Peaks now, what they would like to see conserved and improved, and explore options for a visitors center, access, connections, and governance. For more infomation about the plan, see our project page.
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How often to do you visit Twin Peaks?
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How did you last get to Twin Peaks?

   Check all that apply

What brought you to Twin Peaks?

Check all that apply

How do you rate the following, on scale of one to 5, five being best

Paths and trails on Twin Peaks
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Signage and wayfinding
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Maintenance and cleanliness
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Personal safety
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Traffic safety
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Walking routes to and from Twin Peaks
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Bicycle routes to and from Twin Peaks
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Public transit access to Twin Peaks
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Car access to Twin Peaks
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Parking and pick up/drop off at Twin Peaks
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Knowing which Twin Peaks spaces are open to the public and which are not
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Knowing who is responsible for managing and maintaining Twin Peaks public spaces
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How desirable are the these new or improved uses and features on Twin Peaks?

(scale of 1 to five, 1 not desirable, 5 very desirable, also don’t know/no opinion)

Permanent public restrooms
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More/better wayfinding and signage
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More paths or trails on Twin Peaks
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Signage and exhibits about Twin Peaks’ history and ecology
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Someplace indoors or sheltered to enjoy the view
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An indoor cafe or snack bar
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More police and/or park ranger presence
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Better path and trail connections to other public open spaces
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Preserving the undeveloped private lands on Twin Peaks as permanent public open space
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Conserving and restoring habitat for native plants and animals
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Better and safer walking access to Twin Peaks
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Better and safer cycling, scooter, and/or skateboard access to Twin Peaks
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Better public transit to Twin Peaks
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What are your favorite things about Twin Peaks at present?

Are there other uses or features which would enhance the Twin Peaks experience for to you that we didn't ask about? If so please describe them

Please tell us a little about yourself, to help us make this process more inclusive of the diverse perspectives and communities of Twin Peaks users and potential users.

What is your zip code (or home country if not from the US)

What is your age?

What is your gender? 

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What is your race or ethnicity?

check all that apply

Do you have a physical disability?

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If you would like updates about this study, please give us your email

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