Winter Registration
Children in 2nd-6th grade are invited to Tween Time, a small group at Venice Church just for them — including a Bible lesson, fun games, yummy snacks, and often a service project. If you have any questions, please contact the office @ 724-745-8362 or Debora Robertson @ 724-825-1585 (text-friendly). Visit to learn more about youth programming at Venice Church.
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Child's Name *
What date(s) can your child attend? *
Please provide the following information for the 2024/2025 school year so that we can prepare a safe, fun experience for your 2nd-6th grader.
Child's Grade & Age *
Name of Attending Friend
Is there anything we should know about your child? Allergies? Concerns? *
Parent's Name
Parent's Email
Parent's Phone Number  *
May we text you at this number? *
Name & Phone Number for Alternate Adult (for pick up or emergency questions)
PHOTO RELEASE: While we will not use pictures of your child for promotional purposes without your permission; we do share pictures within a private Facebook group with parents of children who attend Tween Time.  *
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