Tell Eugene City Council: "Cap Application Fees for all rentals at $10/adult"
Eugene City Council is currently considering major changes to the rental housing code. This series of reforms, called PERT - Protecting Eugene Renters in Transition, has a city council work session on March 16, 2022. The goal of this petition is to raise awareness about these reforms and demonstrate wide support across the city.

Read more about these proposals here:

Sign the petition below if you agree with the following statement:

We the undersigned call on the Eugene City Council to pass the full slate of tenant protections included in the "Protecting Eugene Renters in Transition" proposal, also known as PERT. Specifically we want you to cap application fees for rentals to $10/per adult. Eugene has a tight rental market, and application fees represent a huge expense in someone's housing search.

Some additional info about Eugene's rental market:

-> Renter households have a median income of $32,011, which is 37% less than the overall Lane County median income of $50,962 and 60% less than the homeowner median income of $80,730.

-> Around half of renters spend more than 30% of their income on housing expenses.

-> Renters make up more than half of all households, which is higher than other cities, and the city has a much lower vacancy rate than normal. In 2019, the vacancy rate in Eugene was 2.8% – lower than the national rate of 5.8% or the western region rate of 4.4%. More recent data shows the vacancy rate is likely closer to 1.6%.

This petition was put together by a group of neighbors, housing advocates, and concerned citizens advocating to pass the PERT reforms.

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