Prince Paw x Lake City Exhibition 2023 RSVP form

【 Prince Paw X Lake City Pet Exhibition  @ Lake City KL North】

📅 Event date: 28th May 2023 - Sunday

⏰ Duration: 11am – 8pm

📌 Venue: Lake City@ KL North Sales Gallery



11am Start of the day

*2pm Pet Obedience Training Demonstration (30 min)

*5pm Pet Obedience Training Demonstration (30 min)

8pm End of the day

"Pawtrait by the Lake" Pet Photography Contest

【Stay tuned for contest annoucement】

Email *
Name: *
Contact: *
Pet Information (Types,Name, Breed): *
Any problem encounter from your furkid? 😢
(Can choose more than 1 answer )
Which session of Pet Obedience Training Demonstration you would like to join? *
Any product/ service/ education you would prefer during this or even future Pet Exhibition *
Happi Doggie Obedience Training 

Jimmy is an experienced Dog Trainer for more than 20 years! He used to train dogs for competitions in term of agility, obedience, and even dancing with dog 🤩! 
Anything you would like to know from our expert Pet Trainer Jimmy regarding Pet Obedience Training Session, tell us and get the answer on the spot  😉
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