Pre-Arctic-COLORS Synthesis
If you have or know of data sets (ship-based, autonomous, airborne, satellite, etc.), models, field campaigns, etc. that will inform this synthesis, please fill out this brief form so that we can have a central location for accessing these resources.  
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Correo electrónico *
Name *
Type of resource? *
Arctic region?  e.g., Yukon River Delta (Alaska) *
Relevant domain(s) (select all that apply) *
Data set name, brief description, website/contact for more information?
Data platform(s) (select all that apply)
Parameter types (select all that apply)
Temporal span (e.g., 2015-present)
Temporal resolution (e.g., continuous, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, annual, etc.)
Field campaign name, brief description, website/contact for more information?
Observing network name, brief description, website/contact for more information?
Model name, brief description, website/contact for more information?
Anything else you'd like to share?
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