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Incapable of being approached *
1 балл
Instrument that magnifies objects *
1 балл
Instrument to measure atmospheric pressure *
1 балл
Intense and unreasonable fear or dislike *
1 балл
Interval between two events *
1 балл
Lasting only for a moment *
1 балл
Lasting only for a short while *
1 балл
Leave or remove from a place considered dangerous *
1 балл
Life history of a person written by another *
1 балл
Likely to arouse envy (jealousy) *
1 балл
List of issues to be discussed at a meeting *
1 балл
Living together of a man and woman without being married to each other (live inrelationship) *
1 балл
Long poem based on a noble theme *
1 балл
Loss of memory *
1 балл
Man who is quite like a woman *
1 балл
Material that changes naturally by the action of bacteria *
1 балл
Meaningless language with an exaggerated style intended to impress *
1 балл
Medical study of skin and its diseases *
1 балл
Men living in the same age *
1 балл
Money paid to employees on retirement *
1 балл
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