WI 4-H Fall Forum 2021 Saturday Workshop Request
Saturday, November 7, 2020 - Via Zoom
f you have any questions, please contact Laura Pine, lpine@wisc.edu, 608 262 1222
If you plan to lead two different sessions, please complete two separate forms.

The option is for one hour sessions or a longer 2 hour session with a break.  Please indicate if you would be willing to offer the one hour session multiple times.  We need about 20 offerings per time slot.
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Title of Saturday Session: *
Will you present this workshop virtually or in person?
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If you are offering an in person session, where would you like to present the session?
Session Description: *
Please include a short, catchy and exciting (2- 3 sentence) description.
Length of session: *
Preferred Session Time: *
Minimum Number of Participants: *
Maximum Number of Participants: *
Presenter Details:
List all presenters' first and last names and their title (youth leader, adult leader, 4-H YD Educator, State Specialist, etc.): *
Main Contact Name: *
Main Contact Email (if different from above): *
Main Contact Phone Number: *
List other presenters' email(s) if applicable:
Virtual Needs:
Zoom Needs:
Any additional comments on Zoom set-up (please be as specific as possible):
If possible, participants should use what they have at home, but we can send materials virtually and a small number of materials in a physical mailing
Will participants need to utilize materials from home during your workshop? *
If so, please list items they will  need:
Will you be sharing digital resources with participants in advance (handouts, power point slides, etc.)? *
Will you need to send physical materials to participants in advance? *
If yes, please list:
Additional Comments or Questions:
Thank you for your willingness to contribute to WI 4-H Fall Forum!
If you have any questions, please contact Laura Pine, lpine@wisc.edu, 608 262 1222
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