Staff Assumption of Risk and Personal Responsibility MKP-Canada
Staff Acknowledgement Regarding
Assumption of Risk and Taking Personal Responsibility
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Acknowledgement of Risks
This is a document whereby you acknowledge the risks involved in staffing a New Warrior Training Adventure weekend ("NWTA") and confirm your commitment to take personal responsibility for your own safety.

The NWTA generally takes place in a youth camp environment, with facilities that are often basic and in remote settings. Some of the activities are very physical and may take place outside on difficult terrain where you will be exposed to the elements. This is no spa weekend. You will have the opportunity to look deeply into your life to see what’s working, what isn’t working and what is driving the unhealthy patterns of how you show up in your relationships and in your life. The work you will do on the NWTA is physically, emotionally and psychologically challenging. It isn’t for everyone. None of the activities or processes on the NWTA are compulsory. Any man may choose to not participate in any process or activity. It is your responsibility to determine for yourself whether you are ready for the NWTA. We do, however, challenge you to move out of your comfort zone and dare to discover your potential.

We are an inclusive, welcoming community. We have had men from many different walks of life and at very different stages in their lives participate in the NWTA. Men on the NWTA range in age from 19 years to well into their elder years. Professional athletes and men who have quadriplegia can be found on these weekends. We insist that you be willing to look after yourself, know your limitations and have the courage to decline from participating in any activity or process which exposes you to risk beyond what you are willing to accept.
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