Test va tahlil_Attestatsiya_5-Mavsum_2
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1. Which of the following words doesn't have a diphthong?

2 points
2.  Find the correct transcription of the word 'charming'.
2 points
3. They got there on time ... the delay.
2 points
4.  Check the grammatically correct sentence from the below.
2 points
5.  He says we’ve met before, but I don’t remember ... him.
2 points
6. Read the sentence and match the underlined phrase to the meaning.
It’s hard to make a living as a freelance writer.
2 points
7. An advertisement (= a picture, short film, etc. that is designed to persuade people to buy or do something). *
2 points
8. The reason ... I’m calling you is to ask your advice.
2 points
9.  ... hotels are the most expensive.
2 points
10. Choose the correct form of the word.
You can’t wash that jacket. That jacket isn’t ... .
2 points
11. At the end of the lecture, the speaker ... information sheets to the audience.
2 points
12. Find the definition of the word 'run' from the choices below. 
He's been running his own company since he left school.
2 points
13.  If a book, album, film, etc. comes ... , it becomes available for people to buy or see..
2 points
14.A: You must be pleased with your exam results.
B: ... , I thought they would be much better..
2 points
15.  Read the sentence and match the underlined phrase to the meaning.
Could you give us a hint about how to do this exercise, please?
2 points
16. Standing at 3,776 meters, ... Mount Fuji  is the tallest peak in Japan.
2 points
17. Almost every instructor and student at the university ...  of the new college president. *
2 points
18. Find the definition of the word ''vandal" from the choices below.  *
2 points
19.  Find the word which has the meaning 'unkind' from the choices below. 
2 points
20. Match the situation with the most appropriate sentence. 
... is a more formal apology, often used if you walk into someone.
2 points
21.  Choose the correct form of the word.
Kate studies by listening to music and  ... at the same time.
2 points
22.  Read the sentence and match the underlined phrase to the meaning. 
The boss always talks down to us.
2 points
23. Which of the following words are homophones? *
2 points
24. Which word means "animals, birds and plants living in their natural environment"? *
2 points
25. I don't have a pen, but if I ... , I would lend it to you. *
2 points
26. The news that they are getting married came ... a complete surprise to me.
2 points
27. More explosions and violent earthquakes occurred.  The explosive force created winds that circled the globe seven times.  But the worst was yet to come.  The explosion caused giant waves called tsunamis.  They roared across the water and blasted the shores of nearby islands.
From the context of the passage, what are tsunamis?
2 points
28.  Find the statement in which a state verb is used to emphasise that a situation is temporary or for a period of time around the present.
2 points

The Yoruba people of Nigeria classify their towns in two ways. Permanent towns with their own governments are called “ilu”, whereas temporary settlements, set up to support work in the country are “aba”. Although ilu tend to be larger than aba, the distinction is not one of size, some aba are large, while declining ilu can be small, but of purpose. There is no “typical” Yoruba town, but some features are common to most towns.
Choose the heading for the paragraph

2 points
30. ... we rent this shop again next year depends on the amount of profit we make. *
2 points
31.  Translate the following American English expression into British English.
I want to wash up.
2 points
32. Which discourse marker is used when you want to end the conversation? *
2 points
33. We all went ... Jana ... at the airport. *
2 points
34. Which of these qualities is POSITIVE? *
2 points
35.   The proper name for rain is precipitation, which includes snow, sleet, and hail, as well as rain.  Most rain starts out as snow that melts before it hits the ground.  Snow is ice crystals that form in clouds where the temperature is below zero.  Sleet is a mixture of rain and melted snow.  Rain starts when water drops inside clouds grow too large for air to support them.  Cloud drops grow when wet air is swept higher into the air.  There, it cools and gets heavier, causing it to fall.  Raindrops can also grow by colliding with each other in tropical clouds or by growing on ice crystals in cooler air.
Which of the following is not an example of precipitation? 
2 points
36. Guruhdan va darsdan tashqari ishlarni o'z faniga oid ommaviy tadbirlarni tashkil qila olish va ularni mohirona o'tkazish qaysi pedagogik faoliyat qirrasiga kiradi?
2 points
Clear selection
37. Pedagogik mahorat nimalar yig'indisidan iborat? *
2 points
38. O'qituvchi tarbiyachilik burchi, mas'uliyati, qadr-qimmati ,vijdoni, axloqiy eʼtiqodini nazarda tutib o'qituvchining talabchanligi ,adolati ,komilligi ,rostgo'yligi to'g'riligini anglatadigan pedagogik jarayon tarkibiy qismi? *
2 points
39.  Muntazam malaka oshirish kurslaridan o'tish  o'qituvchilar kasbiy kompetensiyasining qaysi mehnat vazifasidagi ko'nikmalariga kiradi? *
2 points
40.  Ta'lim-tarbiya berishning suhbat metodiga asos solgan faylasufni aniqlang.
2 points
41. Quyidagi qaysi metod orqali o'qituvchi mavzuga oid dalil,hodisa va voqealarning yaxlit va qismlarga bo'lib,tasviriy vositalar yordamida obrzali tasvirlash yo'li bilan ixcham,qisqa va izchil bayon qiladi? *
2 points
42. Pedagog sinf soatida o'z sinfiga nafaqadagi zobitlardan bir nechtasini taklif qildi,ular esa vatan va xizmat qilgan paytlarini o'quvchilarga so'zlab berishdi. Pedagog qaysi o'qitish metodidan foydalangan ? *
2 points
43. Quyidagilarni qaysi biri ijodiy fikrlarni to‘plash uchun o‘tkaziladi,bunda ishtirokchilar tanqid va kesatiqlarsiz muayyan muammo yuzasidan o‘z fikrlarini ochiq oydin bayon etadilar va ushbu muammoning yechimini izlaydilar. 
2 points
44. Favqulotda vaziyatlarda,pedagogik nizolar yuzaga kelganda oqilona qaror qabul qilish, to'g'ri harakatlanish malakasiga egalik qaysi kompetentlik asosini tashkil etadi? *
2 points
45.  Bir o'quvchining onasi o'g'lining xatt-harakatlarida o'zgarish sezganligini, u qo'pol muomalada bo'lishini, onaga nisbatan hurmatsizlik qila boshlaganini aytib
sinf rahbaridan maslahat so'radi. O'qituvchi oiladagi muhit bilan tanishib, bu otaona orasidagi munosabatlarning oqibati ekanligini aniqladi va onaga o'z maslahatlarini berdi. Shu bilan birga o'quvchining fikrlari, xohish-istaklari qiziqishlari, intilishlarini organish hamda unga yordam berish maqsadida u bilan suhbatlar olib bordi.
Bunda o gituvchining ta'lim jarayoni ishtirokchilariga qanday munosabati aks etgan?
2 points
46. Oʻqituvchi o ʻquvchilarga yangi mavzuni ma’ruza tarzida tushuntirib berdi. Dars davomida oʻqituvchi faol boʻlib, o ʻquvchilarga qaratilgan nuqt so ʻzladi. Bunda oʻqituvchi faoliyatida kuzatiladigan nutqning qanday shakli namoyon boʻldi?   *
2 points
47.  Ta'lim jarayonining barcha ishtirokchilari, jumladan, talabalar bilan samimiy muloqotda bo'lish,ularni tinglay bilish,ularga ijobiy ta'sir ko'rsata olish kompetentligini aniqlang? *
2 points
48. Pedagogik muloqot uslublari to’g’ri keltirilgan qatorni toping. *
2 points
49.  Joriy etmoq, hisoblab chiqmoq, namoyish etmoq, foydalanmoq, o’rgatmoq, belgilash, joriy etish, aniqlamoq, ruyobga chiqarish, yechmoq qaysi tushunchaga kiradi? Blum taksonomiyasiga ko'ra yuqoridagi fe'llar qaysi bosqichga kiradi?  *
2 points
50.   Bilish jarayoniga alohida ahamiyat berib, insonlarning bilishga bo’lgan intilishlarini keng yoritgan alloma asari bilan ko’rsating?  *
2 points
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