What's your Lockdown Fantasy?
This is a fairly unique point in modern times - a third of the world in lockdown, many sexual freedoms curtailed, movement restricted and many finding themselves with additional free time - while others toil to keep society going. This significant shift in how we run lives will be having an impact on what we now consider ‘fantasy’.

You are asked to contribute - describing your recent fantasies (sexual or otherwise) which have arisen in relation to your restricted movement.

You can record your fantasy in words - but in any format you wish.

When published the fantasies will all be published anonymously.
If you wish you can be credited as a contributor. All contributors will be given full access to the digital version of the project, invited to any related gatherings and (at most) allowed to purchase any physical outputs at cost.

Anyone who identifies as LGBTQ+ can contribute. We are looking for visual artists to contribute to this project.

For more on the project - visit https://obscuredzine.wordpress.com/2020/04/16/open-call-what-is-your-lockdown-fantasy/
Project logo
What is your lockdown fantasy? *
My Name
(optional - will be used in communications only and will not be published)
My Email
(optional - will be used for communications only and will not be published)
Consent notice *
I understand that my fantasy will be published online and in print. I understand that, if used, it will be used unedited. I have ensured any names and descriptions are anonymised so as not to offend or upset anyone I have identified. I waive any intellectual property rights I have to this writing. I understand that I will receive no recompense or direct credit for my work. I realise that not all fantasies can be published. I identify as LGBTQ+. I live in a country where some form of restrictions or lockdown is in place in relation to Covid-19.
Name to credit in list of contributors.
This will not be used unless you confirm in the consent notice above.
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