Welcome to your Health & Beauty questionnaire 🤍
This is for informational purposes and does not commit you in any way. It's free and confidential.

I only offer natural products, without coloring and without artificial flavors.

Try to be as specific as possible so that I can offer you an adapted and personalized program according to your needs. 😊
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Surname, Name *
Phone number *
E-mail adress *
Date of brith *
What is your goal? *
Do you have any allergies?(Please note everything if you have any)
Do you have heart, thyroid or blood pressure problems?
Do you take any medications, supplements? Please mention which ones and why?
Are you pregnant? Are you breastfeeding?
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Do you snack often?
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Are you eating regularly or are you skipping meals?
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What is your type of food
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Do you have good digestion? A good transit?
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Are you stressed?
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What is the quality of your sleep?
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Do you have waves of fatigue during the day?
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Do you have circulatory problems?
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Where is your motivation to achieve your goals?
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Thank you in advance for your time and your answers. It will allow me to advise you as best as possible and help you achieve your goals. I'll get back to you quickly. Romy
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