PolMUN 2019 Single Delegate Application
6-8 December, Warsaw
Thank you for your interest in POLMUN 2019. In this application you will be asked to provide some personal details and describe your experience. Please, read carefully all the questions in order to apply as a Delegate for the Conference.
To apply you must be 16 or older on the day of the conference, and a current university/high school student or a recent graduate.

Email *
 Application Fee
Late Delegate Application Fee is 130 zl/30 euro.
Late registration closes on the 30th of November, unless all remaining places will be filled faster.
The social pack is 40 zł/10 euro and includes two social events on Friday and Saturday evenings.
Personal Information
Introduce yourself.
First name *
Last name *
Date of birth *
Gender *
City *
Country *
Nationality *
Special dietary requirements
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