Virtual Medics Camp Survey
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What age range below best describes your child? *
What country do you live in? *
What time zone are you in? *
The Medics Camp virtual programs are designed as one hour zoom sessions that meet once a week for 6 week or 8 week sessions.  Which of the following day/time options would work best for your child? *
Medics Camp is currently designed to be delivered in English.  If there was enough interest in our program to be delivered in other languages, we would add this to the list of future updates for consideration.  What language does your child speak? *
Does your child have the following technology needed for participating in Medics Camp virtual programs?   *
Let us know if there are any specific medical topics, medical professions or health and human body topics your child is specifically interested in.  This will help us determine which program themes to offer first.
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