Tour or Community Program Request 
The Nature as Teacher Preserve for Education is located at 247 Chestnut Ferry Road in Camden SC. 
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Name, Email and Phone Number *
Which type of activity are you interested in  *
What is the goal of the activity  *
Suggest 3 dates for your activity. Please include desired  timeframes. Please note that the Preserve is open to the public on the first Saturday of every month. Most Tuesdays and Thursdays are reserved for school trips.  *
How many adults will be in your party? *
How many children will be in your party? *
Please list any relevant details below. *
PLEASE CHECK that you 1). Left an email or phone number. Without this information there is no way for us to respond to you. 2). Please take a moment to double check that the contact infomation is typed correctly. Without this information there is no way for us to contact you. 

Thank you for your request. Someone will respond shortly to organize details with you. 
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