#THAPLUG Enforcer Application
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Legacy Name (ex: pickles330 resident)
What is today's date?
Discord Handle, include #s (ex: Royale#8393)
Secondlife Age (include years & months)
Would you consider yourself part of #ThaPlug Community?
What do you know about #ThaPlug RP, as well as our Community Regions?
Are you familiar with all of the rules at #THAPLUG? *
Susie tells John: "Shut the fuck up pussy, your mom is my girlfriend!"
John responds with: "That's why your mom is a whore!" and links a picture of Susie's mom from Facebook.

Who should be ejected?
Patricia is continuously talking to Gary in a disrespectful manner on voice, and Gary unblocks Patricia to respond to her. Eventually the argument escalates to Gary mic boosting. 

Plot twist: Patricia has been region banned on two accounts already.

Who should be ejected? 
Honey drops down into #THAPLUG and picks a fight with a well known resident hanging out minding their business. At first, the resident ignores Honey and let's Honey disturb the peace since there is no enforcer around. You (the enforcer) are summoned at some point and you tp down to the well known resident attacking Honey on mic and Honey is begging the resident to leave them alone.

Who should be ejected?
One of the regular trolls who never breaks the rules has landed and gone AFK with a vulgar sound gesture repeating over and over again. Upon further inspection the sound is coming from a wolf attachment with a penis attached to it. It's not erect, but it is plainly visible.

Does this person get ejected?
An avatar drops in that is 2 weeks old. It's got default avatar clothing on but has on a purchased wig and skin. Is this person in violation of the rules?
What is considered harassment to you? Please provide a detailed response.  *
Where are children allowed on #THAPLUG sims?  *
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