Gifts of Books and Other Materials to the University of Michigan Library

Thank you for considering a gift to the University of Michigan Library. 

We generally do not accept unsolicited gifts of books or other material for our collections. If you think your potential gift will uniquely complement or strengthen our existing collections, please tell us about it by way of this form. See our policy on gifts of books and other materials for details about our practices.

Thank you again for considering a gift to the University of Michigan Library. For information about other ways to support us, please visit this page: Give to the Library.

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Your Name *
Your Address
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Your Email Address *
Describe the material you are considering donating.
What type(s) of material are you considering donating?
Provide an estimate of the number of volumes, items, boxes, etc.
Do you have/can you provide a list of the items you are considering donating?
Have you searched the library’s catalog to identify items that are already held?
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