Grin Professional Community New Zealand
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Full name *
Phone number *
Name of your practice *
What is your practice specialised in? ( Please select one or more) *
On average, how many patients does your practice treat per week? *
On average, how many patients visiting you are children 7 and under? *
What oral care brands do you stock at your practice? Please note NA if stock none. *
Would you stock fluoride-free natural toothpastes at your practice? *
What Grin products are you looking at stocking at your practice? *
What is your postal address for receiving your Grin samples? *
We'd love to hear a bit more about yourself and why you'd love to stock Grin at your practice? *
How would connect Grin with your patients? *
Would you be happy to share with us your primary social accounts? Please specify your account handles/ links here (Instagram/FB/Youtube/Website). Please use NA if you aren't active online. *
Would you be happy to endorse Grin on social channels and/or blogs/Medias? *
We're excited to have your interest in stocking Grin at your practice. Any other ideas on how we can best support your community moving forward?
Thank you for your time! We will be in contact via email within 3 business days. If you have any questions, please email Jackie at :)
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