Don't Pay to Spay MDA Spay & Neuter Grant Program Application
THANK YOU for your support in keeping the pet population down in Caroline County Humane Society by having your pet spayed or neutered. In order to begin the process, please carefully read and complete the following:

Please be sure to fill out the application completely. We make every effort to have the applications completed within a 48-hour period; however, incomplete applications may result in a delay in this process.

"I have read the above statements and understand there are no guarantees for financial assistance for the Spay/Neuter Grant Program. I acknowledge all information on this application is true and correct. I give the employees of Caroline County Humane Society permission to verify all information, and understand that any misrepresentations or omissions of fact may result in the cancellation of my application.  I certify that I am over 21 years old."
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