Phi Sigma Rho Fall Recruit Interest Form
Phi Sigma Rho is a social sorority for women and non-binary people in STEM at UCSB! Joining Phi Rho is a great opportunity to be a part of a supportive community in STEM who share common interests, goals, and hobbies!

Our Fall recruitment will happen in Weeks 1 and 2 of Fall Quarter! Recruitment is a great chance for you to find out if Phi Sigma Rho is right for you and for us to get to know you. We invite you to join us for games, challenges, and get to know you activities! 

If you’re interested in joining us for this adventure, fill out this form and we will be sure to reach out with more information closer to recruitment!

For more info about Phi Sigma Rho, recruitment requirements, eligibility, or other questions, please visit out website or send an email to our VP of Recruitment at Also, follow our Instagram for updates @ucsbphirho

We hope to see you at recruitment and we’re so excited to meet you!
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Any comments or questions!
(also feel free to email me !)
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