Creating Graphs and Making Data Based Decisions 
Here is a quiz based upon information from the training video available to Virginia PBS Facilitators. Participants who take the quiz and receive a score of 80% or higher will receive a certificate that is automatically generated. 
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One of the reasons it is important to title and label all axises on a graph and provide a legend  because_____.   *
20 points
If you are measuring the number of times a behavior occurs across time, and want to graph your data,  it would be best to use  *
20 points
If you changed to using a different reinforcer in your PBS plan, a good way to indicate that on the graph would be to  *
20 points
In the case where Karen was discussed, what change did the graph reveal when Karen moved into a sponsored residential setting?  *
20 points
A PBS Facilitator gathers frequency data for one month and the data shows no trend and is not stable. The incidences of behavior vary dramatically from day to day. This might mean that *
20 points
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