Friends for Life Sign-Up Form: 2023-2024
Welcome or welcome back to Friends for Life!

Our cell focuses to serve residents with intellectual disabilities, allowing members to connect with those who are often overlooked by society, all while having flexible volunteering hours! If this interests you, this is the cell to be in. To join, you will watch a 30 minute video followed by a quiz, and upon completion, you may sign up to volunteer! Vaccination is no longer required so anyone is free to volunteer, whether it is interacting with clients, doing deliveries for the community, or other projects!

Feel free to contact your cell leader, Arun Rajan ( if you have any comments, questions, or concerns. We are very excited to have you!
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First and Last name  *
Baylor Email *
Baylor Student ID (for attendance and hours) *
Phone Number *
Are you a returning member? *
Have you completed an orientation for Friends for Life before? *
Are you fully vaccinated? *
Do you have a car? *
If you said yes to the previous question, are you willing to carpool? If so, how many? (You may earn additional hours for transporting others) *
ANYTHING you want to share? Comments, questions, concerns? *
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