NSF GRFP Personal Statement Writing Workshop
This workshop will provide insight into and tips for how to tackle the Personal Statement for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program application.

We will be meeting via Zoom on **Monday, June 6 at noon**

Please register if you plan to attend or if you would like the recording sent to you. A zoom link will be sent to those who register the morning of the session.
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What will your student status be in Fall 2022? *
What is your field of study? *
Will you be able to attend the workshop? *
How did you hear about these info sessions? *
The information session will be recorded with the intention of sharing them with others within the VCU community interested in the NSF GRF. Please type your name and the date below to give your consent. *
If you do not consent to being recorded but would still like to participate, please reach out to the NSO.
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