Ventura County Community College District
Your input is important to us. Please fill out our survey!
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Q1) How successful do you think Ventura County Community College District (Oxnard College, Ventura College, and Moorpark College) is at achieving its mission of providing students with access to comprehensive quality educational opportunities that support student learning and student success.
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Q2) What would you like your local community college to prioritize? (choose all that apply)
Q3) Please rank our needs and priorities from most important to least important (1=most important, 10= least important)
Preparing students for 21st century jobs

Upgrading career technical and vocational education classrooms and labs

Upgrading emergency-response equipment used to train local first responders

Repairing leaky roofs and upgrading outdated electrical wiring

Removing asbestos, mold and lead paint 

Improving access to affordable higher education
Creating mental health clinics in local colleges to provide social support for students
Preparing returning veterans for universities and good paying jobs
Repairing faulty drainage systems that cause flooding
Upgrading training classrooms and labs for nurses
Q4) Additional Comments, Suggestions, or Questions:
A) Name (optional):
B) Phone (optional):
C) Join our email list! Provide email below (optional):
D) Have you or someone you know attended Ventura College, Moorpark College, or Oxnard College?
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 E) How did you hear about this survey?
F) What is your connection to Ventura College, Moorpark College, or Oxnard College?
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