Leadership Portraits Nomination

Leadership Portraits is a curated collection of extraordinary individuals who have mastered the delicate brushstrokes of influence, resilience, and vision. Each portrait is a testament to the unique leadership styles that have shaped industries, communities, and legacies. Explore the nuanced narratives behind each face, and let these captivating images inspire your own journey of leadership excellence. Join us in celebrating the diverse stories that define leadership in its myriad forms—captured, framed, and showcased for your inspiration.

If you know a leader who would make a great portrait, please use the nomination link to submit their nomination - you may nominate yourself. 

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Why do you think this person would make a great candidate for a Leadership Portrait?
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Thank you for submitting your nomination. You will be receiving an email shortly with further instructions. You may submit more than one nomination for anyone you know who might make a great Leadership Portrait. 
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