Lancashire County Pool Association
League Affiliation Form 2022
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Please only complete one form per league
The following form must be completed by an authorised committee member for the league. Please confirm your name and one of the positions within the league/association

The League Affilliation Fee for 2022 is £50. Interleague team fee is £20 per team with a £30 Bond for any team registered after 2020.
League Name for Affiliation *
Form Completed by *
League Position *
LCPA’s preference is to encourage all affiliated leagues to adopt WEPF, EPA adopted 8Ball World Rules, being the incumbent rules in all EPA organised leagues and tournaments. However, there is no ruling for affiliated leagues to adopt 8Ball World Rules.

LCPA have a care of duty to ensure that any affiliated league is run to EPA standards and to ensure a comprehensive constitution and rule set is in place. LCPA are happy to advise or assist with any help that an affiliated league may request.

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