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I, hereby declare that I have read the role and responsibilities an JISAE (Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation) Editorial board member or JISAE (Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation) Reveiwer has to perform. I know that my selection will be completely based on decision taken by JISAE (Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation) Editorial board members. So, I have no objection on their verdict. If selected in JISAE (Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation) board or panel, I am aware that I may be removed from the panel without prior notice if found not fulfilling my duties in benefit of JISAE (Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation). I declare that I am solely responsible for my own actions, and that if any of the above happens, I will not pursue any legal action against said personalities or International Journal of Science and Research JISAE (Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation). *
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