Miss Jeanne's Class, Week 3
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Watch this video of this week's Mass readings and then answer the questions or fill in the missing words below.
También puedes verlo en español.
1. Which pope is mentioned in this video? *
2. We need to follow Jesus and be like ... *
3. God is love. A ..., ..., .... love. *
Watch this video on The Fall of Adam and Eve and then fill in the missing words below.
4. The devil is also called a dragon, not just a serpent, to show how dangerous he is! He challenged God's ..... when he said, "did God really say..." *
5. Fr Mike says that God doesn't simply wants us to believe in Him, that's not the point. The point is not to believe in Him, the point is to .... to Him. *
6. The test for all of us is will we obey Him, because we know that He ... *
Adam and Eve had to learn that love requires ...
Watch this video; Why Believe in God, then answer the question.
7. Why do you believe? Is it for any of the reasons that Fr. Casey gives in this video? Explain your reasons. *
Watch this video; Christianity. Pure and Simple and then fill in the missing words or the questions below.
8.Jesus experienced death so that He could conquer it by .... again. *
9. He came to be like us, to experience all that we experience so that He could destroy the chains that binds us - sin, poverty, oppression, even death itself - so we might become ....., so that we might be set free. *
10. The Good News of Jesus, the essence of our faith, is not that Jesus came to make bad people good. It's that He came to make .... *
11.  Because of Jesus, we are no longer bound by our sins, no longer left with no hope, no longer resigned to an inevitable fate of death. No, with Jesus, we have life. We have hope in a future world in which violence and oppression and poverty are no more, where peace and justice will reign, where all will be one in love. That is the .... *
12. It's not about being a good person or following laws for their own sake. It's about recognizing that we were utterly stuck, and Jesus set us free. It's about realizing that our sins are forgiven. That our wounds are healed. That's why we are .... *
What touched you the most in what Fr Casey said in this video?
Pray the Our Father along with this video. If you don't know the Our Father by heart please learn it with this video. In a few weeks you will be ask to recite it to one of your teacher.
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