Head Mentor Workshop Proposals

What we're looking for:

Young Storytellers is looking for professionals in the fields of arts, education, social work, psychology, leadership, and social change to help us create workshops that will give our volunteers the training and skills they need to facilitate our programs and be part of a socially conscious volunteer pool. 

We are hoping to deliver a workshop at our bi-annual Head Mentor Training (for our ‘teaching artists’ who facilitate the programs in the classrooms) during the start of our Fall and Spring Semesters (in late August and early February). Workshop topics that have been covered include: coaching and feedback models, teaching students to avoid stereotypes in writing, core competencies in social emotional learning, behavioral and small group management for the classroom, anti-racism, social justice standards, and more.

Workshop topics we’d like to explore further include (but are not limited to): classroom management, the impact of personal narrative, equitable leadership skills, intentional storytelling, enhancing student voice, incorporating student diversity and multiculturalism. Our goal is that our Head mentors walk away from the workshop with tangible skills, strategies, and tools that they can apply in their classrooms.


We facilitate this training both in person and virtually over Zoom. The in-person training is 3 hours long, and the virtual option is 2 hours long. Therefore there is more workshop time in-person than over Zoom which must be accounted for. The in-person workshop is facilitated at the Barn at Rideback Ranch. We create a large circle of 30-40 chairs in the center and push the working tables and sofas to the outside. There is a small stage and a rolling whiteboard available for use.

To submit a workshop proposal, please fill out this form. A template you can make a copy of is available for use here.

Thank you!
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