Your Preferred Dates Survey: Meet and Greet with Single Japanese Women in Tokyo 2024! 
Event Participation Application Form

Date: July 8th - 9th, 2023
Place:  We will contact you when the details have been finalized.
Contact TJM:

Please provide your contact information (Email Address and either Phone Number or WhatsApp) so that TJM can reach you while you are in Japan. 🔴OMIAI Event
Sat July 8th: 9:00 to 12:00
Women: Age 25 - 40
Men: Age 30 - 45

🔴  OMIAI Event
Sat July 8th: 13:00 to 16:00
Women: Age 40 - 60
Men: Age 60+

🔴  Great Discussoin Event
Sun July 9th: 11:00 to 13:00
Men and Women: All age

If you are a gentleman who are 45 to 60, individual meeting arrangement will be customize for you at any time. 

Please do not hesitate to ask TJM Matchmakers Team. 

Dress Code:
Business Casual

Event Style:
Omiai (Speed Dating Style, but not just dating. Sincere men and women only.)

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Phone Number or Whats App *
First & Last Name *
Birth Year (YYYY) *
Are you single and looking for a Japanese woman as a lifelong partner? *
What is your occupation? *

Please select.
RSVP by July 5th 23:59(JPT). 
*Seats are limited

Main Event Only - July 8th ($150)
Payment must be made by 11:59 PM (PST) on June 15, 2023

Both July 8th and 9th ($300)
Payment must be made by 11:59 PM (PST) on June 15, 2023

Cancellation Policy: 100% refund - Cancellations made by 11:59 PM (PST) on May 31, 2023

50% refund - Cancellations made by 11:59 PM (PST) on June 15, 2023

No refund - Cancellations after June 16, 2023.
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