Printed Copy Request Form
It's a pleasure to be able to offer free hard copies of the "Life Cycle of Meetings" Spark issue and the "Faithful Always" booklet.
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E-Mail-Adresse *
Name of person filling out this form? *
How many copies of the "Life Cycle of Meetings" Spark newsletter would you like? Please enter an exact number. If you would not like any copies of this document, write 0.

See this document online: 
How many copies of the "Faithful Always" booklet would you like? Please enter an exact number. If you would not like any copies of this document, write 0.

See this document online: 
Mailing Address

Please enter the address to which the package should be sent, including a name or organization. NOTE: We can only ship within the United States and Canada.
Is there a specific date by which you need the materials? If so, choose "other" and type in that date.

Note: normal processing and shipping time is a few weeks because this work is done by volunteers, but if you have a deadline, we will do our best to accommodate that.
Please tell us, in a few sentences, how you foresee using the materials. For example, are you hosting an interest group? Discussing the information as a meeting? Sharing the resource with clerks in your area?

Don't worry. This is not a test. You'll receive the materials regardless of your answer, but the information is helpful to us.
Sie erhalten unter der von Ihnen angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse eine Kopie Ihrer Antworten.
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