Andrew Dinner Sign-Up
We are so glad you are planning to attend the Andrew Dinner! Here are the details:

  • WHAT: Named after St. Andrew, the patron saint of fishermen and often associated with calling others to follow Christ, these dinners provide an opportunity for attendees to meet with their pastors and engage in informal conversations about priestly life. It's a chance for fellowship, prayer, and guidance in exploring the possibility of a religious vocation in a supportive environment.

  • WHERE: Findlay Saint Michael's Parish (750 Bright Road, Findlay, OH  45840)

  • WHEN: Wednesday, March 19, 2025  from 6-8pm
Looking forward to seeing you there!

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First and Last Name: *
Cell Phone Number: *
Home Address (please include city, state and zip code):  *
Birthday (Month, Day, Year) *
Home Parish: *
Name of School/Workplace *
Parents' Names *
Parents' Cell Phone Numbers *
Name of priest who invited you: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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