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Module 3: Freshwater Ecosystems
Session 2- Take a dip into the Freshwater Ecosystems
Dear Participants,
Please find below the assignments for Module 3 Session 2. You are requested to submit the answers based on lecture.
* Indicates required question
Your answer
All the questions are compulsory and need to submit it.
Marks are mentioned at the right side of each questions. Total 30 marks.
Three fourth of earth’s surface is covered with water, more than 90 percent of it is in oceans. How much is freshwater on earth?
4 points
Less than 2 %
2.5 %
4.5 %
3.5 %
Freshwater available for human use is compared to…
4 points
A bucket of water
A drop of water
A glass of water
A mug of water
Freshwater sources which are flowing such as rivers and streams are known as
4 points
All of the above
Groundwater supplies water to wells, springs, rivers and streams…
4 points
Name the weed shown in the photo which restricts sunlight from reaching into the photic zone of water body.
4 points
Water Hyacinth
Please mention any three regulating services provided by freshwater ecosystems.
10 points
Your answer
Please complete the assignment and submit it before 23 August 2021.
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