Parsl/funcXFest 2022 Registration Form
Join us for the fourth Parsl/funcXFest meeting Sep 13-14, 2022. The meeting brings together researchers, developers, and cyberinfrastructure experts from around the world to discuss experiences using  Parsl and funcX, and to help steer the future of these projects. The meeting will be held as a hybrid event on September 13-14. The in-person component will be held at the University of Chicago.  The meeting will consist of various lightning talks and tech talks from the Parsl/funcX teams. Further information and schedule is online:
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Are you interested in giving a lightning talk? We are looking for presentations related to how Parsl and/or funcX are being used in diverse applications, how it they are being used to create new tools, and how people might want to use them or change them in the future. *
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