'Share Your Wysa Story' offer
We are so glad to see you here! Sharing your mental health story and experiences with Wysa can help encouraging others to seek help, so thank you! The Wysa Team greatly appreciates your support.

We are looking for Wysa user stories that are suitable for sharing in our PR and marketing campaigns to help spread the word and reach more people who might need help. We hope that sharing real people's stories will show others how Wysa can help.

How does this offer work?
1. Fill and submit this form.
2. If selected, we will contact you for a further interview.
3. If we think your story will help others, we will write it up and share it with you for approval.
4. We'll ask you to sign a Content Release Form to confirm you are happy for us to share your story.
5. As a token of appreciation for your time and support, you can choose a free gift from the below.

Free gift options:
  • 1 year Wysa Premium* subscription for yourself OR
  • 1 year Wysa Premium* code to gift to someone else OR
  • 1 month access to Wysa Human Coaching
Please note:
If you are not selected for an interview, your submission will be deleted within 6 months.
- Your story will be only for marketing activities agreed by you and nothing else.
- We will never share your story without talking it through with you first.
- You are not required to share any sensitive health information.
- The information submitted through this form will only be used to contact you for further interview.
- You can opt out from any further communication from Wysa by clicking here. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1lBo_jWn59qJUIgLQA8BomiS5KPJJgl66snFvm6XmDi0/edit

*Wysa Premium includes unlocked Premium self-care tool packs only.

Email *
What name would you like to go by in this campaign? [You can use a nickname if you are not comfortable sharing your real name] *
Where are you based currently? 🌍 *
Please share your City *
What is your age? *
Are you a current Wysa User? 🤔 *
How long have you been using Wysa? ⌛ *
How do you use Wysa? *
Thank you for answering those questions. Now is your chance to share your story.
What was your situation and emotional state when you first started using Wysa? How has using Wysa helped?
Consent *
Thank you so much for being a part of this campaign! 🌼
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