竹園區神召會九肚福音堂 - 退修及會議場地預約使用申請 PCHK Kau To Chapel - Retreat & Meeting Venue Reservation Application
目的 Purpose :
To provide space for individual retreats, group retreats, or meeting venues

時間 Time:
星期三至六 早上10時至下午4時 (按實際情況安排)
Wednesday to Saturday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm (according to actual situation)

設施 Facilities:
Hall(capacity 30 people), Balcony(capacity 30 people), Children Activity Center(capacity 30 people), playground, restrooms, tables and chairs etc.

供應 Supplies:
1) 茶、水、膠囊咖啡 Tea, water, capsule coffee
2) 室內冷氣及WIFI上網 Indoor air-conditioning and WIFI Internet access
3) 電腦及投影電視 Computer and Projection TV

費用 Fees:
- 退修 For the Retreat - HKD 50 / 人 Person
- 會議 For the Meeting - HKD 100 / 人 Person
(所有收益將撥作九肚植堂種籽基金 All proceeds will be donated to KauTo Church-Planting Seed Fund)

備註 Remarks:
1) 本堂不提供食物 Our Chapel will not provide food
2) 需帶離所有食物及垃圾,保持地方整潔 Take away all food and garbage and keep the place tidy

歡迎WhatsApp 46784076 或電郵 aogkauto@gmail.com 或致電2651-1601與我們聯絡。
Please WhatsApp 46784076 or email aogkauto@gmail.com or call 2651-1601 to contact us.
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