Printmakers Against Racism - Midsummer event: Sign Up Form
Event Timing: August 7 - 13 (recommended, but not a rigid timeframe - do what works for you!)
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Email *
Will you be making new art/prints, selling previous work, or both? *
You are invited to engage in ways that makes sense for you. Check the appropriate boxes below. If you are not participating in the art sale, let us know what you will be doing instead!
Name(s) *
Your Organization (if applicable)
May we have your permission to share your information such as your name, organization, Instagram link (NOT your contact info) on our website, social media, and with other participants? *
Your city
Your State/Province (Please spell out entire name, do not abbreviate) *
Your country
Instagram account name: *
Website or facebook:
NAMES OF THE ORGANIZATIONS OR MUTUAL AID GROUPS you will be supporting so we can add to our list on the website. (If you aren't sure yet, just say "Don't know yet" below. We encourage you to research and support groups  in your local area if possible.).
Any additional information you need us to know about you? *
Before you click SUBMIT, please go back and confirm that your email and other information is spelled correctly!
AFTER SUBMITTING THIS FORM, please email us at to get access to logo/graphics and other resources. Thank you for participating!
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