TSL Resources for Charter Representatives: Module One Knowledge Check
Knowledge Check
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What's your name and your charter?
Example: "Jared Graham - Florida"
What do we mean by organizational Mission, Vision, Values? *
21 points
How do we do business? What do we *care about*?
Why do we exist? What do we actually *do*?
What does the world look like if we succeed? What's our desired *future*?
A Charter Member asks you, their Charter Rep, to help them create a Meta-Charter for fully-armored TSL members who decorate their armor to look like movie or comic book superheroes and supervillains.  Which of these is an appropriate response? *
6 points
I am a Charter Representative living and holding meets in Cityville. How do I know when it's time to try to find a Facilitator and spin up a Satellite in Townville, 150 miles away? *
6 points
What is The Saber Legion's Mission?  (Try to think through all the options and answer *before* you check with the material.) *
6 points
As a Charter Rep, I'm not expected to be the best LED saber fighter in my charter.  In fact, I don't technically have to own a saber, or duel at all.  One of the main keys to being a Charter Rep is that I don't have to do everything and know every answer - I just have to be able to direct my members to or delegate responsibility to someone willing who does.

But I do have to bring *something* to the table in this Leadership role, so if I'm not going to duel, I should be pretty good at other things, like Recruitment, Logistics and Planning, Social Media, et cetera.
7 points
My Co-Rep and I are arguing over how to handle an issue in our Charter, and we've been unable to resolve it so far.  What do I do? *
6 points
Check all of the below that are The Saber Legion's organizational Values.  (Try to think through all the options and answer *before* you check with the material.)  There are five correct responses. *
48 points
TSL Value
Not a TSL Value
Excellence and expertise in skilled authentic high-energy competitive combat
Integrity, transparency, and accountability from supportive, representative leadership
Recognition and rewards for the invaluable efforts of our team of volunteers
Sportsmanship in healthy competition and challenges for all experience levels
LED sabers in every hand, TSL Meets in every city, and TSL Tournaments in every country worldwide
Brand recognition via consistent, high-quality media content across streaming, sports, and social media platforms
Honor, respect, and humility in a diverse friends-and-family culture
Comprehensive standards and equitable rule sets for safe, mutually beneficial combat
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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