35th Annual Symposium: Sponsorships
IDA of Northern Ohio: 34th Annual Symposium Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities

We invite you to sponsor the IDA of Northern Ohio’s 34th annual Symposium, Rise Up! Strive for Equity in Literacy Instruction.

Sponsorship at any level ensures your organization will have brand advertising for our two day, live, in person Symposium on October 20 and 21, 2022 at Walsh University in North Canton, OH. Your sponsorship will also reach those that view the recorded version, available to all participants until January 1, 2023.

Our premiere level Symposium and Keynote sponsorships provide future brand exposure via our NOBIDA website and membership communications.

Historically, our Symposium audience has included hundreds of teachers, administrators, literacy experts, learning specialists, parents, adult learners, and advocates from across the region and, often, the nation. Your financial contribution supports ongoing NOBIDA education programs and introduces your brand to those who will benefit.

We invite you to Rise Up with us today!

Beginning August 22, 2002, please visit www.noh.dyslexiaida.org to find all 34th Annual Symposium events and registration details.

Contact lisa@nobida.org with sponsorship or advertising inquiries.
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Digital and Print File Specs
Full page advertising images should be approximately 2000x1200, .jpg or .png files. For half and quarter-size advertising slides, smaller versions are acceptable but they need to be .jpg or .png files.
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