Transportation Removal
We understand that with the release of the opening plan, bussing may no longer be ideal for your family situation.

If you have registered requesting transportation and would like to remove your student(s) from a bus, please fill out this form. The form allows for up to 5 students.  If you have more than 5 students, please fill out multiple forms.

Please note, that this WOULD pertain to your family if you are choosing the Distance Learning Option for instruction.

With the exception of the Distance Learning Option, you may at any time request transportation again.  Note that this will need to be done by the Transportation Request Form and will take, at minimum, 48 hours/2 school days to implement. Please plan accordingly.

Note that this form is ONLY to fully remove your student from transportation.  If you only need to make a change to your AM or PM stop, please call Transportation at 260-636-2175.

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Email *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Student 1 Name *
Student 1 Grade *
Student 2 Name
Student 2 Grade
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Student 3 Name
Student 3 Grade
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Student 4 Name
Student 4 Grade
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Student 5 Name
Student 5 Grade
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By typing my name below, I understand and agree that I am removing my student from a seat on a bus.  Should I change my mind and require that seat back, I understand that I must fill out a formal transportation request form and be responsible for transporting my student(s) until that request can be confirmed, which takes at a minimum 48 hours/2 school days. *
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