FeelGood Threads Giveaway
Fill out this form to be entered into the FeelGood Threads Giveaway. Last day to enter is March 31, 2025 11:59 PM EST. Winner will be announced on our socials around April 4, 2025 and contacted via email. 
What is your name? *
What is your email? *
How easy was it for you to navigate our website? (1= difficult, 5= easy) *
What is your primary reasons for shopping on FeelGood Threads? (may choose multiple) *
 What best describes your budget when shopping for fashion items online? *

How do you typically discover new fashion brands online? (may choose multiple)

What age range do you fall into? *
What would encourage you to make more purchases from FeelGood Threads? (You may select multiple  *
How do you feel about the prices of our products compared to similar brands? (1= too pricey, 5= just right) *
What colors do you prefer for hoodies? (select all that apply) *
What type of products would you like to see more of? (you may choose multiple) *
Any feedback on our products? Anything you love or we can improve?
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