Holiadur Artistiaid - Hwb Treftadaeth a Chelf Dyffryn Nantlle // Artist Questionnaire - Dyffryn Nantlle Heritage and Art Hub
Ers cael dynodiad Statws Treftadaeth y Byd UNESCO mae awydd i weld cyfres o hybiau yn datblygu yn yr ardaloedd llechi, a'r bwriad gennym yw sefydlu Hwb Treftadaeth a Chelf i Ddyffryn Nantlle ym Mhenygroes. Bydd gan yr hwb ddwy elfen, un ar ochr dreftadaeth a hanes cymdeithasol yr ardal a’r llall ar ddatblygu gofod a stiwdios i artistiaid. Drwy’r holiadur yma rydym yn dymuno casglu gwybodaeth am yr angen, y gofynion a’r cyfyngiadau sydd gan artistiaid heddiw. Y gobaith yw bydd yr Hwb yn ateb y gofynion hynny drwy gynnig gofodau i artistiaid lleol am brisiau teg a rhesymol a rhoi lle iddynt arddangos eu gwaith; y bydd yn gaffaeliad i artistiad yr ardal, ac yn denu celfyddyd ac artistiaid i Ddyffryn Nantlle. // Since receiving the designation of UNESCO World Heritage Status, there has been a desire to see a series of hubs develop in the slate areas, and we intend to establish a Heritage and Arts Hub for Dyffryn Nantlle in Penygroes. The hub will have two aspects, one on the area's heritage and social history side and the other on developing spaces and studios for artists. Through this questionnaire we wish to gather information about the need, requirements and limitations that artists have today. The hope is that the Hub will meet those requirements by offering spaces to artists at fair and reasonable prices and giving them a place to display their work; to be an asset to the area's artists, and attract art and artists to Dyffryn Nantlle.
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Enw // Name
Beth yw eich celf? // What art do you practice?
Ers faint o flynyddoedd da chi wedi bod yn ymarfer eich celf? // How many years have you been practicing your art?
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Pa un o'r canlynol sy'n disgrifio eich gofod creu celf presennol? // Which of the following describes your current art making space?
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Beth sydd wedi penderfynu ar eich lleoliad presennol o'ch gofod creu celf? // What has determined your current choice of artwork space?
Sut ydych yn defnyddio eich gofod celf? // How do you use your art space?
Ydych chi'n chwilio am ofod, neu ofod newydd, ar hyn o bryd? // Are you looking for a space, or a new space, at the moment?
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Oes yna ffactorau sy'n cyfyngu eich defnydd o'ch gofod ar hyn o bryd, neu'n achosi i chi gael trafferth dod o hyd i le? e.e. oriau cyfyngedig, dim diogelwch, costau, pell o'ch cartref // Are there factors that limit your use of your space at the moment, or cause you to struggle to find space? e.e limit hours, no security, cost, far from home.
Pa mor bwysig yw fforddiadwyedd i chi wrth ddewis gofod? // How important is affordability for you when choosing a space?
Ddim yn bwysig
Pwysig iawn
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Faint yn eich tyb chi yw cost teg o ofod/stiwdio? (Fesul awr, diwrnod, mis, a/neu flwyddyn) // How much do you think is a fair cost of a space/studio? (Per hour, day, month and/or year)
Faint yw'r maint lleiaf o le sydd ei angen arnoch ar gyfer eich gwaith? // What is the minimum amount of space you need for your work?
A oes angen man gweithio unigol arnoch neu gwell gennych rannu? // Do you require a individual or shared working space?
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Pa offer a chyfleusterau hanfodol sydd eu hangen arnoch yn eich gweithle? // What essential equipment and facilities do you need in your workspace?
A oes angen unrhyw dechnoleg neu feddalwedd benodol yn eich gweithle? Pa adnoddau neu gefnogaeth ychwanegol fyddai'n eich helpu? // Is there any specific technology or software required in your workplace? What additional resources or support would help you?
Pa fath o oleuadau sydd well gennych chi yn eich gweithle? // What kind of lighting do you prefer in your workspace?
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A yw'n well gennych weithio mewn cymuned o artistiaid eraill? // Do you prefer to work in a community of other artists?
A fysa gennych ddiddordeb mewn cymryd rhan mewn prosiectau, digwyddiadau cymunedol neu gynnal gweithdai? // Would you be interested in participating in collaborative projects, events or holding workshops?
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A fysa chi eisiau gofod i arddangos eich gwaith? // Would you like access to exhibition space?
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Oes yna ddigon o ofodau celf ar gael yn eich ardal yn eich barn chi? //  Do you think there are enough art spaces available in your area?
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Pa opsiynau rhentu fysa chi'n hoffi eu gweld ar gyfer gofod celf? // What rental options would you like to see available for art spaces?
Beth fyswch chi'n galw eich man gweithio ar gyfer eich celf? e.e stiwdio, gofod, gweithle ayyb. // What would you call your workspace for your art? e.e. studio, space etc. 
Fysa chi'n ystyried Penygroes fel man gweithio? // Would you consider Penygroes as a workplace?
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Disgrifiwch eich amgylchedd gwaith delfrydol. // Describe your ideal work environment.  
Beth yw'r peth pwysicaf un ydych chi'n edrych amdano mewn man gweithio? //  What is the single most important thing you look for in a workplace?
A oes gennych enghraifft o ofod/stiwdio delfrydol (unrhyw le yn y byd)? // Do you have an example of an ideal space/studio (anywhere in the world)?
A oes unrhyw beth arall yr hoffech ei ychwanegu am eich anghenion lle gwaith? Croeso i chi nodi unrhyw lwyddiannau neu broblemau rydych wedi ei brofi efo gofodau ar draws y blynyddoedd. // Is there anything else you would like to add about your workspace needs?  You're welcome to note any success or issues you have experienced with spaces across the years.
Data Diogel / Data Protection
Yr ydym yn cadw'r wybodaeth a ganlyn ar ffurf electronig: enw ac e-bost. Byddwn yn cysylltu trwy e-bost i hysbysu am newyddion am y prosiect, i ddilyn fyny ac efallai holi ymhellach. Ydych yn caniatâu i ni gadw eich gwybodaeth? // We keep the following information in electronic form: name and e-mail. We will contact you by e-mail to update you with news about the project and to follow up or enquire further. Do you consent for us to keep your information?
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Diolch o galon am ateb ein holiadur! Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch efo llioelenid.yrorsaf@gmail.com, neu groeso i chi biciad draw i Yr Orsaf ar Heol y Dŵr ym Mhenygroes. // Thank you for answering our questionnaire! For more information contact llioelenid.yrorsaf@gmail.com, or you are welcome to call by Yr Orsaf on Heol y Dŵr in Penygroes.
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