Myofascial release level II.
Event Timing: Sunday, October 29Th, 2023 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time Zone (Vancouver time), online webinar.

Event:  Myofascial release level II. 

Please take note : you need to have completed the Myofascial release level I webinar or a previous knowledge background in myofascia prior to register to part II. 

- Recording replay will be available -

(3 hours of continuing education)

Contact us at (250) 589-3882 or

Description of the webinar:

The consolidation, exchange of discussions of the experience from the manual osteopath with the 4 technical skills learned in MFR level I. This workshop will then explore three new myofascial skills : skill rolling, rebounding and working various planes with another therapist. We will explore and discuss scar tissued and adhesion management, what can MFR do to help these issues.

By exploring the application of myofascial release through case studies, hands-on and theory content. This will allow practitioner to consolidate and learn new technical skills as well have a more deep understanding of the importance of various MFR technique approaches to work the entire fascial matrix.

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You will attend the workshop and pay the registration fee of $ 328.13 (including GST) with ? *
If you have a 10 % discount code, can you please provide your number ?  (Your total amount fee will be then $ 295.31 including GST)
I understand that I need to complete my registration form and pay the webinar fee prior to attend this online event. I will receive an official invoice receipt to my email address and the Zoom web link to attend this webinar with the complete documents. 

Thank you for your collaboration by respecting business etiquette on this matter, we truly appreciate ! 
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