EmSculpt Neo Eligibility Form
Want to try EmSculpt Neo? Wondering if you're a good candidate? Please answer all questions below. Responding 'yes' to any of the questions does not automatically mean you are ineligible. Upon submission of this form, a clinician at Milford Med Spa will contact you to discuss your results and advise you on how to proceed.

Milford Med Spa
E-Mail-Adresse *
First and Last Name *
What is your phone number? *
Do you have metal or electronic implants? *
Do you have any cardiac pacemakers, implanted defibrillators, or implanted neurostimulators? *
Do you have drug pumps? *
Do you have pulmonary insufficiency? *
Do you have injured or otherwise impaired muscles? *
Do you have a malignant tumor? *
Do you have any cardiovascular diseases? *
Do you have a disturbance of temperature or pain perception? *
Do you have any hemorrhagic conditions? *
Do you have septic conditions and empyema? *
Do you have acute inflammations? *
Do you have systemic or local infection such as osteomyelitis and tuberculosis? *
Do you have a contagious skin disease? *
Do you have an elevated body temperature? *
Are you currently pregnant, experiencing a postpartum period, nursing, or menstruating? *
Do you have Basedow's or Grave's disease? *
Do you have a metallic IUD? *
Have you had any recent surgical procedures? *
(muscle contraction may disrupt the healing)
 Do you have any areas of the skin which lack normal sensation? *
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, please elaborate here:
What is your BMI? *
If your BMI is 35 or below, EmSculpt Neo studies show you will see 30% fat loss and 25% muscle gains on average. If your BMI is above 35, you may not see these results and and you may need more than 4 treatments for desired results.
If you don't know your BMI: Here is my height and weight:
How did you hear about us? *
Thank you for completing our form. Please check us out at https://milfordmedspa.com/. You will be contacted via phone call, email, or text message once your form has been reviewed by our clinician.
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