I Love to Skate - Morell
*Filled up very fast but please still register and you will be added to a wait list in case anyone drops out*

Begins first week of November (will keep notified on exact date)
What: 6 week I Love to Skate program
Day/Time: After school (exact day/time TBD)
Ages: 4-18
Cost: FREE

Once you are registered I will reach out to everyone as soon as I can so don't be alarmed if you don't hear back right away! There are a limited number of spots so grab yours before they fill up!
Login ke Google untuk menyimpan progres. Pelajari lebih lanjut
Parent/Guardian Name *
Contact Email *
Postal Code
Kid's Name, Age & School Grade (list all kids)
I understand that I will need to sign a go! East PEI waiver form prior to the first ice time before my child gets on the ice:
I am interested in volunteering to help with the program or know someone that is:
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