The Singing Elf - BOOKING FORM Autumn 23
Please make sure you click 'submit' at the end of the form to ensure we receive your booking. 
You will not be asked for payment details in this form - we'll sent payment options to you via email. 

This form takes approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete. If you don't have the time to complete the form right now, simply choose the option below 'I'm not ready to book' to select a few quick options in 30 seconds and we will be in touch. 

If you have any issues using the form you can request assistance by emailing us at

Our technical team will be able to respond to you more quickly if you leave a message via email rather than our answerphone, you can request a call back via email if you prefer. However, if you are unable to email you can leave a voicemail on 0191 3721682 and we will arrange a call back. 

Your details will be held confidentially by The Singing Elf in accordance with GDPR and will never be passed on to any other organisation.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Email Address *
Your Contact Telephone Number  *
This is to ensure we can contact you if there is a problem with your booking.
Your First Name  *
Your Preferred Name or Nickname  *
This is what you wish to be called in sessions and will be on the register and your name badge
Your Surname  *
Sessions open for booking in Spring 2023:
The Serenity Room - BOOKING NOW OPEN
Sat 18th March | Half Day & Full Day | Pittington Village Hall
A retreat day of mindfulness, cosy crafts and relaxing singing. 

Unity Community Choir - BOOKING NOW CLOSED Welcoming new adult singers to our mixed voice, community choir 8 Week Flourish Programme starting Tuesday 7th Feb, 7 - 9.15pm at Kepier Hall in Houghton
Choose one option *
If you are booking for an adult session for more than one person you will need to complete this form twice.
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